Overhead panels almost finished.

I am getting closer to finalise the overhead panels. As I have already mentioned, to get the final panel thickness of 5 mm I have to glue engraved 2 mm fronts to 3 mm clear layer and to another 4 mm back supporting layer! It is likely this could be done much easier some other way or thickness.

Any way, first I glued the supporting 4 mm and 3 mm layer together with bolts for the rear side electronics. I painted all black to prevent any light leaks. I left the protective layer on as it makes a great paint mask.

With protective layer removed, I got a surface for gluing the last engraved layer.

And here we have a panel that still needs all edges and openings painted in matching panel color.

And this is how finished panels look like. Oh boy, next job are all “Korry” switches and knobs, pfff!

Overhead panels almost finished.
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