I didn’t see any other choice but to make my own Korry replicas. I made a prototype master out of 1 mm white plastic sheets. I made a silicone molds of master and started casting replicas. I think I had to make about 90 of them…
Interior is divided in two parts for two signal diodes. Outside is painted black and inside silver. Front is made out of 1 mm clear perspex with laser printed legend on self-adhesive semigloss foil.
I made the lower part of korry replica is narrower to fit into panel korry openings.
For the switching part I didn’t have better solution than momentary push button switch. I also didn’t bother with propper tactile switch and latching.
I am out of words…..You did an AMAZING Job here…!!!!
I just started building my own A320 Cockpit and I would like to kindly ask you to give us more details about how exactly you made your own Korry switches.
I really appreciate your time. You own my respect!!!!
Hi Elias,
Thank you for your nice words and positive feedback. It was a start for me and I should probably instead of replicas say Korry alikes. They were far from replicas and could probably be used only with my panels. Any way, I am not sure what to tell you more than is already written. I first made (from 1 mm white plastic) a square section to fit / slide in panel opening and with interior separated for two indicators. The square was closed at the back and holes drilled for indication LED`s and switch attachment. On the front there was a small frame around it to hold the clear perspex with laser printed legend.
When I had the “prototype” finished I made a few silicon molds and started casting my Korry’s with casting resin compound.
I think today you can get a lot better replicas but if you want to make them on your own this is one way to do it.
I would make a great cockpit as yours. Your cockpit is wonderful! The a320 has always fascinated me, because it is a very beautiful airplane and his cockpit more and more. So, I decided to make an a320’s cockpit. I have a question for you: can you give me a scheme about the electronic connections between the korry and the IO card, if I dont ask too much?
thank you very much
P.S: excuse me for my bad english 🙂
P.S.S: my email is mazzacchi@icloud.com
oh and if you have time, also a scheme about the korry’s structure, please
I thank you for everything in advance
Hi Alessio,
Thank you for your kind words and positive feedback. I am not sure I can call mine a cockpit at the moment… 🙂 Any way for the scheme about connections between the korry and the IO card please check this post.
Not exactly sure what you mean by korry’s structure, like parts of it?
I have to thank you for your answers. By korry’s structure, yes, I mean the parts of it.
If you have time, can you draw me a scheme about it? You would make me a great pleasure.
thanks in advance
P.S: I apologize again for my bad english 😉
oh, and about the scheme between the IO cards and the korry I think that are the OEM korry. Am I wrong?
thanks for everything
Yes, that scheme is for the OEM korry, right. Sorry, where you interested in the korry replica scheme, as there isn’t any actually. I just used proper color LEDs inside with resistor connected to output pins on IO board.
thank you very much. I had never before met a person so disgraceful to help me in the design of my home cockpit. And if I don’t ask too much, can you draw a scheme about the parts of the korry, please.
I know to be too insistent, but this is a my defect; I’m sorry 😉
thanks for everithing,
Ok, now I understand apologies for your English 🙂