Ceiling liner panels.

You can find quite some offers for B737 interior liner replica packages and almost none for A320? And those you can find are barely similar to the original A320 liners! I guess if I want proper A320 liners I am on my own!
You can find quite some offers for B737 interior liner replica packages and almost none for A320? And those you can find are barely similar to the original A320 liners! I guess if I want proper A320 liners I am on my own!
More for a test of dimensions I tried to make some of interior linings out of insulation foam boards called Styrodur. It’s easy to shape with knife or saw and can be nicely sanded to smooth surface. However this looks
It was time to start making sidestick side consoles. I got dimensions from pictures, here is a sketch if it helps. The top edges are rounded so height dimensions might have 0,5 cm error.I used plywood as always and lots
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