110VU RUD TRIM, PARK BRK panel contains Parking brake switch and Rudder trim controls consisting of trim selector knob, trim reset switch and trim position display. This panel is located at the center of the pedestal lower part.You can interface rudder trim display properly with ARINC 492 boards or use as I call it  “Stone Age” method of bypassing internal electronics. You can read more about this method in rudder trim display post.

You may noticed there are different max rudder deflection degrees written on panel next to display. That’s because A320/A321 have 20° max rudder deflection and A318/A319 have 25° max rudder deflection.


I am not immune to mistakes so there could be some errors and typos on those diagrams (if you see any mistake or typo please let me know)! Therefore use them with a measure of common sense and don’t forget you are using pin-out diagrams at your own risk! In no event shall I be liable to any user or third party for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use or inability to use this website or the material and content provided on this site. Please don’t use diagrams commercially and publicate or distribute them without permission.