Panel 21VU EVAC/EMER PWR/GPWS/RCDR/OXY/CALLS… provides controls for different systems. From the top down it starts with emergency EVACuation controls by guarded COMMAND indicator switch, HORN shut of switch and CAPT & CAPT/PURS switch. Followed by Emergency electrical power controls with guarded EMER GEN TEST push button, GEN 1 LINE indicator switche, RAT&EMER GEN indicator with guarded MAN ON push button. Next are GPWS controls with  five indicator switches, TERR, SYS, G/S MODE, FLAP MODE and LDG FLAP3. RCDR (CVR and DFDR ) controls with GND CTL indicator switch and two push buttons, CVR ERASE and CVR TEST. OXYGEN mask controls with guarded MASK MAN ON push button, PASSANGER indicator and CREW SUPPLY indicator switch. CALLS controls with guarded EMER CALL indicator switch and three push buttons, METCH, FWD and AFT. Panel ends with WIPER control knob and RAIN RPLNT push button.
21VU panel is located in the lower left part of the overhead.


I am not immune to mistakes so there could be some errors and typos on those diagrams (if you see any mistake or typo please let me know)! Therefore use them with a measure of common sense and don’t forget you are using pin-out diagrams at your own risk! In no event shall I be liable to any user or third party for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use or inability to use this website or the material and content provided on this site. Please don’t use diagrams commercially and publicate or distribute them without permission.

FCOM Oxygen 35.20,